Category: workplace

Jacksonville’s Blount Island Lands Death in the New Year Duval County workers comp

Jacksonville’s Blount Island Lands Death in the New Year

On February 25th, a young male, Timothy Middlebrooks was clearing the way for the forklift holding pallets on Blount Island, a Jaxport-owned island, when the pallet began to destabilize. The forklift was moving 500 pounds of paper product at the time; however, as Middlebrooks was walking by, some of the product fell from the pallet,…

Defamation suits on rise as employers discharge employees.

According to The National Law Journal (4/15, Baldas) reported, “Defamation lawsuits are on the rise in the workplace as employees take on employers over the right to reputation, suing over being labeled as damaged goods after losing their jobs.” Now, “with the economy forcing so many people out of work, lawyers say the environment is…