Category: work zone related crash

Jacksonville’s Blount Island Lands Death in the New Year Duval County workers comp

Jacksonville’s Blount Island Lands Death in the New Year

On February 25th, a young male, Timothy Middlebrooks was clearing the way for the forklift holding pallets on Blount Island, a Jaxport-owned island, when the pallet began to destabilize. The forklift was moving 500 pounds of paper product at the time; however, as Middlebrooks was walking by, some of the product fell from the pallet,…

Road Construction Accidents – Work Zone Related Crashes on Interstate Highway

NATIONAL – “The number of people killed as a result of crashes in work zones remains significant,” the Federal Highway Administration says on its website “Safety and mobility impacts from work zones will likely be magnified with the infusion of a large number of new projects.” Transportation officials are responding pretty much as they…