Why Did the Teenager Cross the Road?
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In Dec 2020, 2 teenagers in Tampa were struck by a SUV while crossing the street after dusk. The boys – aged 13 and 14 years old – crossed on a green light, believing they would make it safely. Sadly, that night would end in them flying to a hospital to remain in critical condition indefinitely.
Meanwhile, a year earlier, a teenager was killed in St. Petersburg while walking down the sidewalk. Two vehicles collided causing one to jump the curb and hit and kill a 17-year-old nearby. There was little the teenager could do, and yet his life ended tragically that night.
Pedestrian deaths are on an unprecedented rise. 2020 is projected to have had 6,721 pedestrian deaths, a 4.8% increase from the 6,412 deaths reported in 2019. Indeed, this means 1 pedestrian is killed every 78 minutes. While there were less vehicles on the road in 2020 because of Covid, the amount of reckless driving went up.
In almost half of those pedestrian accidents resulting in death, alcohol was involved. And although pedestrians cannot control how the driver acts and reacts, the pedestrian CAN control how they, themselves react. Certainly, not all cases are preventable, however, there are ways to reduce the risks and potentially prevent serious injury or death.
Obey Traffic Laws
-Walk on sidewalks and crosswalks
-Follow signs and signals (If it says don’t cross, then don’t)
-Look left, right, left before crossing the street (even if you have the right-of-way)
-Watch for driveways and entrances/exits to parking lots
Walk Sober or Don't Walk Alone
Heavy drinking leads to poor judgment and inability to walk home efficiently or effectively. Pedestrians should not be alone when going home and instead should be driven or walked home by a guardian.
Phones Down
Distractions like cellphones stop pedestrians from observing poor drivers or traffic rules. This has contributed to the rise of accidents as well and change of cause of accident.
If you, your child, or another loved one were in a personal injury accident, call TRIPP LAW FIRM – Personal Injury Law at (727) 398-2900 in Pinellas/Pasco/Polk/Orange/Osceola/Seminole County, for an immediate, confidential case evaluation. There is NO Fee and NO Costs if we do not obtain a Recover for YOU!
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News, F. O. X. 13. (2020, December 19). Two teen pedestrians critically injured in Hudson crash. FOX 13 Tampa Bay. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://www.fox13news.com/news/serious-injury-reported-after-crash-involving-pedestrian-in-hudson
Snider, A. (2021, May). Pedestrian deaths soar in 2020 despite precipitous drop in driving during pandemic. GHSA. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://www.ghsa.org/resources/news-releases/GHSA/Ped-Spotlight-Addendum21
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