Florida Woman Left in Coma From Hospital Negligence
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Imagine going in for a hysterectomy and never waking up, being a permanent comatose state. That is exactly what happened to Toshuua Hughes, 46, in Sarasota. It has been 4 years since her initial surgery and she remains in “a state of non-responsive wakefulness.”
Hughes’ issues did not originate from the surgery alone, but instead from the care afterwards. The errors came during a respiratory emergency, and afterwards, records were altered to protect those involved. Sadly, multiple nurses and doctors contributed to this mistreatment, leading to this tragedy. Because of how they treated her, she was unable to breathe for several minutes.
A certain doctor, Konovsky, was a main target of the lawsuit as he failed to properly wake her up and monitor her breathing, which in turn caused brain damage. Even the hospital officials hold Konovsky responsible.
The family has been through multiple lawyers, but the lack of arguments is not the issue. The hospital has admitted that the “damages are permanent and continuing, and that she will suffer losses in the future.” The treatment alone could top $20 million, but with a husband and 5 children, their suffering and mourning will dramatically increase their settlement.
Medical malpractice is real and painful. Hospitals and care centers are supposed to help you, so when they cause greater issues, they deserve to be held accountable. Do not let your doctor mistreat you or your family, and keep yourself informed so they don’t have room to hide information.
If you or someone you know has been affected by medical malpractice, find a law firm you can depend on. In medical malpractice cases, you need someone who can be open and honest with you, and get your case settled well.
Holsman, M. E. (2021, December 10). Family of Gifford Woman in permanent comatose state settles lawsuit against Indian River Hospital. Treasure Coast. Retrieved December 29, 2021, from https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/local/indian-river-lagoon/opinion/2021/12/10/gifford-womans-family-settles-malpractice-lawsuit-filed-after-surgery/6464903001/
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