Injured Child at the Florida State Fair
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TAMPA, FLORIDA –The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office released information about a seven-year-old girl who fell from the Sky Tram, a gondola ride. The incident happened around 8:40pm on February 12th, the first Saturday of the fair.
According to the Florida Department of Agriculture, the child and her family were sharing the same “tub,” when the girl began “horse playing.” Because of this, the girl slipped under the bar and fell about 40 feet down to a large grassy area below. Paramedics and deputies were immediately called, and upon their arrival, she was taken to the local hospital. Since she landed on the grass, she left with non-life-threatening injuries, primarily a broken wrist. Had she fallen on asphalt, the results could have been devastating.
Based on the evidence, the HCSO ruled the incident an accident. The Father admitted that the kids were playing around and thus causing the fall. State inspectors found that the ride was working properly and there was nothing wrong with their tub. Consequently, the ride was able to presume after a short break.
Harrison made it clear as well that it is partially the duty of adults to inspect ride conditions prior to hopping on. While in line, adults should watch how the ride runs, look for safety features, and pay close attention to height and weight requirements.
The Sky Tram required a height of 48 inches, and all 3 girls on the ride were under the age of 10. No news stations clarified the children’s heights. If the daughters met the requirements, the family could be subject to compensation, even if the children were playing around. If the daughters did not meet the requirements, the workers could still be held accountable as they allowed them to ride.
State Fair Overview
This was only the second time in 28 years that an accident has taken place on the gondola-style ride in Florida, according to Harrison, the bureau chief of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services – Fair Rides Inspection Division.
The Florida State Fair attracts over 450,000 people over 11-12 days in Tampa every year. Because of the pandemic, the fair was pushed out a month, making for lower attendance.
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Cowan, K. (2022, February 15). Ride operating properly; human error may be cause of child falling from Florida State fair ride. FOX 13 Tampa Bay. Retrieved March 2, 2022, from
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