Failure to Diagnose Leads to Leg Amputation | Tripp Law Firm – Hernando County Medical Malpractice Attorney
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A male patient was rushed to the ER with complaints of severe flank pain. The patient’s medical history included a recent diagnosis of kidney stones. However, the physician suspected the patient suffered from a significant obstruction of his urinary track requiring immediate treatment. The ER physician ordered a complete range of imaging studies, lab tests, and physical examinations. Then, the patient was given a number of medications for pain and treatment of other symptoms. After the battery of studies, tests and examinations, the patient was admitted to the hospital.
The patient was seen by the doctors several hours later, who discovered that he was lethargic with concerning vital signs and had severe 10/10 complaints of pain. During the next several hours, the patient’s condition continued to deteriorate, with his blood pressure and O2 saturation falling significantly. The patient was given more medication for pain and treatment of symptoms.
After watching vital signs the doctors noted the patient’s condition had continued to significantly deteriorate, and diagnosed him with sepsis. As a result of his sepsis, the patient developed a severe case of gangrene in both his feet. Unfortunately, this sad chain of events did not have a favorable outcome. The patient had to have both of his legs amputated from the knee down.
Because of the physician’s failure to diagnose and treat the patient’s sepsis in a timely matter, the amputation was required. If the hospital staff and doctor’s addressed the symptoms efficiently and effectively, the patient may have experienced a better outcome.
Hurt by a doctor or another medical professional? Then call TRIPP LAW FIRM – Personal Injury Law at (727)398-2900 in Pinellas/Pasco, (352)610-1080 in Hernando/Citrus, and (941)479-0201 in Manatee/Sarasota, for an immediate, confidential case evaluation. There is NO Fee and NO Costs if we do not obtain a Recovery for YOU!
At the TRIPP LAW FIRM, we have the necessary experience to protect you and your family’s legal rights and pursue the appropriate damages. Thus, don’t hesitate to call us. We answer our phones 24/7/365. The injury law team and staff private investigators at the TRIPP LAW FIRM are ready on a moment’s notice.
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