Category: playground equipment

Raising Kids – Freedom vs. Safety Giving Children Freedom and Safety

Raising Kids – Freedom vs. Safety

Have you been accused of Helicopter parenting? Or do you find it difficult to let your child do simple things in life without you? Well, Gary Karton, host of Parent Pep Talk – a podcast providing advice though experts, kids, and parents – speaks on Free Range Parenting and how to effectively give more freedom…

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT | X-Waves | Child’s death on playground

NATIONAL – Many school districts have rushed to remove or are considering removal of teeter-totter-like playground equipment called X-Waves after a 9-year-old girl was fatally injured while playing on one.  Those that have not been removed have been temporarily fenced off. The X-Wave’s manufacturer, Xccent, “refused to discuss” the matter. The X-Waves look like three teeter-totters joined end to…

AVOID ACCIDENTS WITH CHILDREN ♦ Bicyclist ♦ Pedestrians ♦ Scooters ♦ Skateboards ♦ School is out for summer

SCHOOL’S OUT for summer. Here are some reminders for motorists: Slow down and pay attention when traveling in neighborhoods and near parks, schools and playgrounds. Be alert for bicyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians’ they’re harder to see. Watch for kids at play! Children on foot and on bikes are unpredictable and may dart out into traffic….


Playgrounds are fun and exciting places for children. They can help to build dexterity, and they are a great place to make new friends. Each year, doctors and hospitals treat more than 500,000 injuries related to playground equipment. The vast majority of injuries on the playground are connected with climbing equipment and swings. Injuries are…