Category: medical errors

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE | (888) 392-LAWS (5297) | Hospital

In a recent article in USA Today, “If a 747 jetliner crashed every day, killing all 500 people aboard, there would be a national uproar over aviation safety and an all-out mobilization to fix the problem.” However, “in the nation’s hospitals…about the same number of people die on average every day from medical ‘adverse events,’…

Medical Malpractice | Fact or Fiction? | Doctor negligence

According to The Medical Malpractice Myth, by Tom Baker, Director of the Insurance Law Center at University of Connecticut, his book provides research to dispute these claims with facts.  The book provides research proving the following: Medical malpractice is an epidemic that causes thousands of deaths a year Medical malpractice suits are rare, and are very…

1 Million Medicare Patients Experience Medical Errors <> Medical Negligence

Nearly one million patient safety incidents occurred among Medicare patients in 2009. This figure almost matches what happened in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. According to HealthGrades, an independent healthcare ratings organization, errors cost the federal Medicare program nearly $8.9 billion and resulted in 96,402 potentially preventable deaths from 2006 through 2008. Medicare patients…


Accordiing to the Institute of Medicine, 98,000 people die every year from preventable medical errors – and this number doesn’t include those seriously injured.  This is the sixth leading cause of death in America, equivalent to two 737’s crashing every day. Trial attorneys see first-hand the effects medical errors have on patients and their families. …